Marathon Lake

Marathon Lake

Nestled in the outskirts of Athens, Marathon Lake is a serene reservoir that supplies the city with drinking water. It’s surrounded by lush greenery and provides a tranquil oasis away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Stroll around the twinkling waters, tuck into a picnic or simply soak up the sublime views.
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Marathon Run Museum

Marathon Run Museum

Marathon, Athens Coast

Explore the fascinating world of marathon running at this unique exhibition. Dedicated to celebrating the race’s rich history, the Marathon Run Museum houses a treasure trove of memorabilia and artefacts,...

7.0 Km to Marathon Lake - Map

Archaeological Museum of Marathon

Archaeological Museum of Marathon

Marathon, Athens Coast

Explore a treasure trove of ancient history at the Archaeological Museum of Marathon. Housing a fascinating collection of artefacts, including sculptures, pottery and weaponry, this exhibition is a must-visit...

7.6 Km to Marathon Lake - Map

Marathon Tomb  

Marathon Tomb  

Marathon, Athens Coast

The Marathon Tomb is a historical site, built to commemorate the soldiers who fought in the Battle of Marathon in 490 BC. The burial mound pays tribute to their bravery, courage and dedication, and it a...

10.5 Km to Marathon Lake - Map