In accordance with European Regulations, you’re not allowed to carry the following items into security restricted areas or onboard a plane:
Guns, firearms and other devices that discharge projectiles – devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury by discharging a projectile, including:
o Firearms of all types, such as pistols, revolvers, rifles, shotguns
o Toy guns, replicas and imitation firearms capable of being mistaken for real weapons
o Component parts of firearms, excluding telescopic sights
o Compressed air and CO2 guns, such as pistols, pellet guns, rifles and ball bearing guns
o Signal flare pistols and starter pistols
o Bows, cross bows and arrows
o Harpoon guns and spear guns
o Slingshots and catapults
Stunning devices – devices designed specifically to stun or immobilise, including:
o Devices for shocking, such as stun guns, Tasers and stun batons
o Animal stunners and animal killers
o Disabling and incapacitating chemicals, gases and sprays, such as mace, pepper sprays, capsicum sprays, tear gas, acid sprays and animal repellent sprays
Objects with a sharp point or sharp edge – objects with a sharp point or sharp edge capable of being used to cause serious injury, including:
o Items designed for chopping, such as axes, hatchets and cleavers
o Ice axes and ice picks
o Razor blades
o Box cutters
o Knives with blades of more than 6 cm
o Scissors with blades of more than 6 cm as measured from the fulcrum
o Martial arts equipment with a sharp point or sharp edge
o Swords and sabres
Workmen’s tools – tools capable of being used either to cause serious injury or to threaten the safety of aircraft, including:
o Crowbars
o Drills and drill bits, including cordless portable power drills
o Saws, including cordless portable power saws
o Blowtorches
o Bolt guns and nail guns
Blunt instruments – objects capable of being used to cause serious injury when used to hit, including:
o Baseball and softball bats
o Clubs and batons, such as billy clubs, blackjacks and night sticks
o Martial arts equipment
Explosives and incendiary substances and devices – explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including:
o Ammunition
o Blasting caps
o Detonators and fuses
o Replica or imitation explosive devices
o Mines, grenades and other explosive military stores
o Fireworks and other pyrotechnics
o Smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges
o Dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.
In addition, you’re not allowed to carry the following items in your checked-in baggage:
Explosives and incendiary substances and devices – explosives and incendiary substances and devices capable, or appearing capable, of being used to cause serious injury or to pose a threat to the safety of aircraft, including:
o Ammunition
o Blasting caps
o Detonators and fuses
o Replica or imitation explosive devices
o Mines, grenades and other explosive military stores
o Fireworks and other pyrotechnics
o Smoke-generating canisters and smoke-generating cartridges
o Dynamite, gunpowder and plastic explosives.