Jet2 plc and its group companies including Jet2holidays Limited and Limited (the ‘Group’), recognise that modern slavery and human trafficking are significant issues presenting a challenge for businesses worldwide. Consequently, the Group has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery and is committed to: acting ethically and with integrity in its business dealings; and continually reviewing its practices to combat slavery and human trafficking.
The Group has prepared this statement to reflect activities undertaken in the financial year ended 31
March 2024 in accordance with the UK’s Modern Slavery Act. .
Our Business
The Group is a Leisure Travel business specialising in:
- the provision of ATOL licensed package holidays by its tour operator, Jet2holidays, to leisure
destinations in the Mediterranean, the Canary Islands and to European Leisure Cities; and
- the provision of scheduled holiday flights by its airline,
Our long-term ambition is: To be the UK’s Leading and Best Leisure Travel business. To achieve this, we recognise our future growth must continue to be sustainable, ethical and responsible, which includes the treatment of people not only within our own operations, but also those within our broader supply chains. We remain aware of the risks associated with modern slavery and human trafficking and continue to develop our policies, due diligence, and training to ensure the steps we take to prevent both, remain as effective as possible. With this in mind, tackling modern slavery is included as one of our “social value performance metrics” within the Group’s updated Sustainability Strategy which can be found at found at:
Preventing slavery and trafficking within our business
We consider our Colleagues to be our most valuable asset as we recognise that the wellbeing and motivation of them is pivotal to achieving our award-winning Customer First service.
We have robust recruitment, remuneration and resource management policies and processes to prevent any form of slavery, exploitation, or trafficking within our business, and we review and confirm that colleagues, contractors and agency workers can demonstrate their eligibility to work in the UK before commencing work with the Group.
Our Glassdoor rating of 4.1 out of 5.0 remains the highest in our industry and serves as an important barometer in gauging the happiness and engagement of our workforce.
Preventing slavery and trafficking within our supply chains
The Group has over 8,000 suppliers and sources its goods and services globally and will not knowingly conduct business with anyone engaged in slavery and human trafficking practices or knowingly permit them to be carried out in any part of its business.
The Group promotes transparency in its supply chains and has implemented measures to reduce the
risk of slavery and human trafficking including:
- Asking prospective suppliers to confirm the actions they take to prevent child labour and modern
slavery as part of the standard tender questions which form part of the overall evaluation of each
supplier’s proposal. In addition, the standard supplier terms and conditions include applicable anti-slavery provisions and similar protection has been secured in relevant supply arrangements.
- We identify, monitor, and assess potential risk areas in our supply chains in particular:
− A number of our uniform garments are supplied by factories in Asia and the Indian sub continent and the Group works collaboratively with those suppliers to improve supply chain
standards. Our suppliers are active members of Sedex (Suppliers Ethical Data Exchange) and
proactively share audit results to drive improvement. In addition, we visit our suppliers to see
the factories and working conditions first-hand.
− Our Jet2 Travel Technologies operation, based in Pune, India, now employs over 200
Colleagues increasing the Group’s capacity to progress our many industry-leading IT
innovations and business critical development projects. It operates recruitment and
procurement policies and procedures in line with those of the Jet2 plc Group and has policies
such as code of conduct, maternity, prevention of sexual harassment as well as strict
compliance to local labour and welfare regulations to ensure that the standard of employee
welfare exceeds the regulatory norms and the overall industry benchmarks. Jet2Travel
Technologies is a “Great Place to Work – Certified” organisation which signifies its people
practices and employee welfare practices to be at par with industry best practices. We
monitor Jet2 Travel Technologies’ activity on an ongoing basis through regular team visits to
Pune, full visibility of all expenditure and having Group representatives on the Board of
Directors of Jet2Travel Technologies.
- We have introduced our Certified Sustainable Hotels collection to give our Customers the option
to choose accommodation that meets an official global standard for sustainability as part of their
Jet2holidays package with us. As of 31 March 2024, there were 950 Certified Sustainable Hotels,
and the number continues to grow. These hotels have been assessed by an independent
organisation, whose standards are either recognised by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council
(GSTC) or the organisation itself has been accredited by the GSTC. In addition to environmental
aspects, the standards also cover criteria focussed on maximizing social and economic benefits for
the local community, including that the organization has implemented a policy against commercial,
sexual or any other form of exploitation or harassment, particularly of children, adolescents,
women, minorities and other vulnerable groups, and that labour rights are respected, a safe and
secure working environment is provided and employees are paid at least a living wage. More
information on our Certified Sustainable Hotels can be found here:
Supporting Policies
Our Supplier Code of Conduct (most recently updated in April 2024) is published on our Jet2 plc
website (here) and sets out the minimum standards, expectations and behaviours that and
Jet2holidays require of all our Suppliers, including in relation to slavery, human trafficking and child
labour. Our Supplier Code of Conduct has been distributed to our existing suppliers and is introduced
to new suppliers through our standard tender documentation and in our standard supplier terms and
The Group also has in place the following internal policies reflecting its commitment to acting ethically
and with integrity in all its business relationships:
- Responsible Procurement Statement;
- Anti-Corruption & Bribery policy;
- Equality & Diversity Policy; and
- Whistleblowing Policy.
To ensure Colleagues have a high level of understanding of the risks of modern slavery and human
trafficking in our supply chains and our business, we assist them by providing relevant training in
identifying and preventing exploitation.
Our cabin crew manual includes human trafficking reporting procedures and details of the Modern
Slavery reporting helpline. We also ensure that training on human trafficking is delivered to cabin crew
through new entrant and recurrent training. In addition, posters are displayed in crew rooms and rest
areas across our bases to raise awareness of both issues.
In addition, a section on slavery and human trafficking is included in our internal training for colleagues
in supplier management.
Our effectiveness in combating slavery and human trafficking
The Group has a clear framework of rules and behaviours and encourages the reporting of any
concerns or breaches so that they can be dealt with appropriately in accordance with our policies and
procedures. We also offer an independent and confidential Whistleblowing hotline where Colleagues
can raise concerns confidentially and anonymously if they wish.
This statement is made pursuant to section 54(1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and constitutes the
Group’s slavery and human trafficking statement for the financial year ended 31 March 2024. It has
been approved by the Board of Directors of Jet2 plc and signed on their behalf by:
Gary Brown
Director and Group Chief Financial Officer
Jet2 plc
Date; 16th September 2024