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Liofoto Hotel

Skopelos Town, Skopelos Island

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  • {{}}
    {{airport.perPersonPriceDiff}}{{priceDifferenceSuffix(airport.isSelected,airport.priceDiff)}} on same day
    {{airport.priceDiff}} on same day
  • {{calendarOptions.monthName}} {{calendarOptions.year}}
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  • {{ day.dayNumber }}
    {{ day.middleText }}
    {{ day.middleText }}
    {{ day.bottomText }} {{ day.totalSuffix }}
    {{seatsAvailableText}} {{mobileSeatsAvailableText}}
  • {{day.dayOfWeek}} {{day.formattedDate}}
    {{day.bottomText}} {{day.totalSuffix}}
  • Selected
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  • Unavailable


Perched on a hillside and offering stunning views of the lush green countryside from its outdoor pool, Liofoto Hotel is a great choice for relaxation. Spacious studios are decorated in a traditional Greek style and the outdoor pool is a peaceful, chilled area. Nearby Skopelos Town offers a number of bars and tavernas which are great for a laid-back evening of dinner and drinks. ... More
  • Peaceful setting
  • Traditional Greek charm
  • Great countryside views
  • Free Wi-Fi is available throughout the hotel.


  • 1km from Skopelos Town
  • 1.5km from the nearest beach.
  • Approximate transfer time to resort 2 hours
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Pool areas

  • Outdoor pool (freshwater)
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Please note facilities may vary by pool.


Minimum 2 | Maximum 3

Room facilities include

  • Flat screen television
  • Wi-fi
  • Balcony
  • Coffee making facilities
  • Kettle
  • Fridge
  • Double cooking rings
  • Oven
  • Toaster
  • Bathroom containing a shower.
  • Air conditioning (between 01 May and 15 Oct).

Board Basis

Available options:

Self Catering

Child age

Minimum 18 years

Additional Information

Please note: due to the hillside location, this property may not be suitable for guests with walking difficulties. This transfer includes a ferry crossing of approximately 1 hour. Guests will be taken from Skiathos airport to the Port of Skiathos to catch the next available crossing. Depending on the ferry schedule, a wait of up to 6 hours at the Port of Skiathos may apply, where luggage can be stored if needed. A ferry will then transport guests to Skopelos Island. Transport will then take guests from the port in Skopelos to their chosen accommodation. Due to the timings of the Skiathos-Skopelos ferry, any customers arriving on flights after the last ferry crossing will be transferred to Skopelos via water taxi where possible, where they will continue onwards to their accommodation. Alternatively, customers will be accommodated overnight in Skiathos. Guests will then continue onwards to Skopelos the following day. Adverse weather conditions may affect ferry or water taxi transfers, and in the event of this, guests will be accommodated overnight in Skiathos before continuing to Skopelos the following day. Return transfers back to Skiathos could also be subject to adverse weather conditions.

Hotel Features

  • Official rating: 3 star
  • Jet2holidays rating: 3 star
  • 4 blocks
  • 18 rooms
  • No Lifts
  • 2 floors

Our Promise

*Local charges apply. We endeavour to show you images of the actual room described however, this may not always be possible; actual view and/or room size or layout may vary e.g. you may not see an image of a sea view or garden view in the image but you will have the option of booking your preferred view when selecting your preferences.

Low £60pp deposit

Rated 'Excellent' on TrustPilot

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