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Treasures of Turkey

Discovery Tours (Antalya), Antalya Area

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    {{airport.perPersonPriceDiff}}{{priceDifferenceSuffix(airport.isSelected,airport.priceDiff)}} on same day
    {{airport.priceDiff}} on same day
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  • {{ day.dayNumber }}
    {{ day.middleText }}
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    {{ day.bottomText }} {{ day.totalSuffix }}
    {{seatsAvailableText}} {{mobileSeatsAvailableText}}
  • {{day.dayOfWeek}} {{day.formattedDate}}
    {{day.bottomText}} {{day.totalSuffix}}
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Want to see the highlights of Turkey’s Anatolia region in just one trip? Then join us on our spectacular seven-night guided tour, where we’ll tick off stacks of sights, scenery and culture. By day, you’ll travel by coach throughout Turkey’s stunning landscapes, picking up the silk route along the way and exploring UNESCO-stamped places like ancient Ephesus, Cappadocia and Pamukkale’s famous ‘cotton’ terraces. Get ready for photo opps aplenty! Then by night, you’ll stay in four-star accommodation in various towns and cities, where you can tuck into the traditional cuisine for breakfast and dinner, and enjoy the local scenes. A terrific Turkish adventure awaits… ... More
  • Explore 14 attractions including three UNESCO World Heritage sites in one trip
  • Discover ancient cities, classic culture and spectacular scenery
  • Enjoy half-board stays in four-star hotels
  • Expert knowledge from English-speaking guides
  • Perfect chance to meet new friends

Chat to our Discover More travel experts

Got a question about our amazing Treasures of Turkey tour?


Call us on 0800 408 0745 and ask one of our Discover More travel experts about ‘Treasures of Turkey’ or simply send us a message on WhatsApp.


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Your Itinerary & How to Book


In order to book your tour, please search for a 7-night duration, departing on a Saturday.


For 2024, our tours depart on Saturdays on the dates below:

September departures: 7th September, 21st September
October departures: 5th October, 19th October




When you arrive in Antalya, a member of our team will meet you at the airport and a transfer will take you to your first hotel.




We'll head east to the ancient city of Perge, famous for its Roman baths, ancient market place and spectacular amphitheatre. The tour continues along the former silk route to Konya. This was formerly a Byzantine city called Iconium. Next, we visit Mevlana Mosque and it's adjoining museum, one of the most significant Islamic sites in Turkey, You'll stay overnight in Konya.




In the morning, we'll drive to Cappadocia. The first stop is Kaymakli, an underground city where Christians found refuge from their enemies. Then the tour heads to the St. John the Baptist Church and continues to Cavusin. You'll stay overnight in Cappadocia.




In the morning there will be time for you to relax and explore the sights of Cappadocia. You could use the free time to marvel at the magnificent Cappadocia landscape at sunrise. You'll spend the remainder of the day at ground level, exploring the fascinating, lunar landscape that Cappadocia offers, which was created by centuries of erosion from the now extinct volcanoes, Mount Erciyes and Mount Hasan. We'll visit the rock-hewn churches of Goreme, with the most beautiful frescoes in the region. Then we visit the Zelve Valley, where people still lived in caves up until the 1960s. There will be several stops at the various valleys of Cappadocia. The last stop is a visit to a carpet-making workshop. You'll stay overnight in Cappadocia.




After breakfast, you will have the chance to admire and take in the beauty of the country. You'll have the opportunity to take photos of Pamukkale's world-famous chalk terraces. Pamukkale is a small place, but it has remarkable spots to make your trip memorable including the Sacred Pool (scattered marble columns add to the charm of this warm, calcium-dense pool) and Travertines (calcium deposit terraces). You'll stay overnight in Pamukkale.




After breakfast, we start the day visiting Hierapolis. At the end of the 2nd century B.C., the dynasty of the Attalids, the kings of Pergamon, established the thermal spa of Hierapolis. The ruins of the baths, temples and other Greek monuments can be seen at the site. Then we visit the charming city of Ephesus, once the region's most famous metropolis. Impressive buildings such as the theatre, the Odeon, the Temple of Hadrian and the Library of Celsus show what a glorious period the city enjoyed during the antiquity. You'll stay overnight in Kusadasi.




We begin our day departing from Kusadasi and head off to the ancient scientists' city of Miletus. We then drive to Didyma and visit the famous oracle site. You'll stay overnight in Antalya City where you will have free time during the evening to explore Kaleici and Antalya City.




You will have free time in the morning to explore Kaleici and Antalya City before being driven back via transfer to Antalya Airport for your flight home.

Standard room for Sole Use


Minimum 1 | Maximum 1

Standard Double room


Minimum 2 | Maximum 2

Board Basis

Available options:

Half Board

Child age

Minimum 18 years

Additional Information

  • Included within the package is 7 breakfasts and 7 evening meals that will be provided at the hotels you will stay overnight in throughout the tour.
  • Water is provided and will be available from the driver or guide whilst on board the coach or minibus.
  • Snacks and soft drinks can be purchased from the driver or guide whilst on the coach or minibus.
  • Throughout the journey there will be regular comfort breaks and stops for lunch. Lunch is payable locally and not included in the package.
  • Please note: due to the nature of this tour this may not be suitable for guests with walking difficulties.
Please note: there is a minimum requirement of 8 passengers to be booked on each departure date for this tour to operate. In the unlikely event that the minimum numbers are not reached, a member of the Jet2holidays team will contact you to provide you with options of moving to a different departure date or to discuss alternative options, including the provision of a full refund.

Our Promise

*Local charges apply. Facilities advertised are based on high season and may vary depending on occupancy. High season is generally deemed as the most popular time of year at a resort, hotel or apartment. This is usually, but not necessarily limited to, the peak summer months of mid-May until mid-October. We endeavour to show you images of the actual room described however, this may not always be possible; actual view and/or room size or layout may vary e.g. you may not see an image of a sea view or garden view in the image but you will have the option of booking your preferred view when selecting your preferences.

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